9/03/2006 | GOAAAAAAAAAAALLLLL Yesterday (Saturday), I went to Penn State for the first football game of the season. Now, I hate watching sports, but going to games isn't that bad. Mat's extended family comes up to tailgate (which is basically getting to the game early, and standing around in the parking lot eating and drinking until game time). They cook lots of delicious food and I get to hang out with everyone I used to see in college. Unfortunately, we had an extra guest: Ernesto. :( Ernesto seasoned my food with acid rain. Ernesto was supposed to have moved on by noon. Ernesto decided that he liked Happy Valley so much that he stayed until early Sunday morning. I stood and sat in the rain for about 9 hours. It was cold and miserable. Mat's family did have tents, but there were only so many tables of food and people that would fit under them. After the game Mat and I stopped at the Nittany "Mall" on the way out of town so that Mat could buy another pair of jeans (let me explain: Mat's family pays the premium to park in the paved lot outside the stadium. But his and most people's parking passes are for grassy fields, which thanks to all the rain from the past week, were muddy mudlots). The new pants are quite possibly an improvement: Mat favors Levi's - the tight kind he claims they wear in Italy. I maintain that they're hideous - the legs taper! I've been to Italy, and sure, the pants were tight, but there was not a tapering pant leg to be found. Plus, his jeans are all a little too small for him as he had gained about a size since January but was in denial and wouldn't buy new pants. He claims he likes the ones he has. Anyways, he bought non-tapered ones (though still kind of tight) from the Gap. I hate Mat's lack of a fashion sense. I had to forcibly buy him a pair of flip-flops and short socks and explain to him that you don't wear long socks and sneakers with shorts (because you look like a big dork, you moron!!!!!). This never used to annoy me as much as it does now. Funny how the little things grow on you... After that, we met up with some friends in Harrisburg to go to the bars downtown. I won't bore you with all the usual gossip of what went on, but of course when we got back at 2AM the boys wanted to watch more football. How do they find watching football so interesting??? Interesting enough to re-watch games again that they've actually been to - I mean they KNOW what happens already. pfft. The only highlight of this is when I looked up at what they were watching and proclaimed "hey, he's hot!" at a sweaty Brady Quinn talking to cameras after the Georgia Tech - Notre Dame game. In "boy world," this was apparently akin to the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues - you see, Penn State and Notre Dame play against each other next week. I enjoy pissing them off sometimes, especially Mat as he is a diehard PSU fan. Plus, Brady Quinn really is hot. // posted by Sasha @ 9/03/2006 08:35:00 PM Comments: Post a Comment << Home |
SASHA. 22. Systems Engineer (aka computer nerd). King of Prussia, PA. Graduated college May 06, now
facing... the real world! :( Currently "workin' for the man," getting my Master's, and attempting to lead a happy life. Dating Matteo (going on 4 years)! Trying to figure out my life as I am coming of age and becoming an adult. I like... the unexpected. I like outdoor sports like cycling, hiking, canoeing, and rock climbing. I do yoga. I'm a vegetarian (10+ years). I love computers & webdesign... I'm a web developer at the moment ^_^ I love to read, ask me for recommendations! I'm an "artiste," I love to draw and paint (portraits are my favorite). Like to knit, cook, etc. I love traveling. I'm friendly, I swear! Email: lovesasha_AT_inbox.com AIM: LovePeaceSasha my "official" profile RECENT POSTS
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