8/20/2006 | Boo, Firefox. Hooray glasses!
I had a post written, but Firefox crashed and it got lost :( When I was re-signing in, I inadvertantly signed up for Blogger beta (I think this means that people with Blogger profiles aren't automatically logged in when posting comments, or at least that's what the Internet tells me).

When I get tired, I have difficulty seeing (hence why I accidentally switched to Blogger beta). My eyesight is 20/200. You know when you have to read the eyechart at the doctor's? That is the equivalent to not being able to see the eye chart (actually, 20/200 is being able to see the big E, so mine is actually worse than that). With contacts I can see 20/20 (and almost that with glasses), but my greatest fear is becoming blind.

To an extent, I become bitter when reading books/watching movies. (Fake bitter, not real bitter :) does that even make sense to anyone? o_o) Castaway? Robinson Crusoe? I would have died within a couple days due to starvation, being eaten by cannibals, or being bonked on the head by a falling coconut which I totally didn't see. Historical fiction? ha. I would be "legally blind" back in the day without sufficient lens technology! Assholes. I have tons of respect for people who are actually blind. I don't think I could cope.

Yes, so what was an original post about my life, is now a post about me not being able to fricken see anything. See Exhibit A (which I made for a class where we had a photoshop filters assignment):

This is a photo I took of the Queen's Hamlet at Versailles, France. Je l'adore :)

I went shopping today. I think I regret one of my major purchases :( Why did I buy it? I can wear it exactly two places. I don't even think I can return it, though the checkout girl told me I could. why do i do these things.

It's past 1:00AM. I have to pack for a business trip that will last Sunday-Friday (and I have to leave tomorrow at 10AM). I still haven't even fully upacked from my last one.

It looks like my closet threw up all over my room. I hate all my clothes!! and how i look in them. Aaurrgh! And my shoes. and, my watch stopped today.

I'm just overwhelmed by this mess! I want to crawl into bed and sleep and not even think about going. I'm nervous about this whole trip already :( I have to be around large groups of people all week, and I am getting roped in to going running every morning with my boss and my group at 6AM! He has been talking about this for the last month. Like any sane person, I assumed he was joking. I realized on Friday that he is dead serious!! I cannot tell you the last time I was awake at 6, unless it was because I had stayed up all night. I think I need to tell him how sadly mistaken he is that this will actually work! :P

I don't think I will be posting much this week. I'll have to "socialize" with my coworkers, whom I haven't met yet. I hate being around other people all the time. This article describes me to a T - I am so introverted (though not shy ;) )

I want to be six years old again, when my biggest problem was what I should play next.

Yeah, the original point of this post: to say that I hung out with Mat last night and tonight and things seem fine. I love him. Though some things do annoy me, I am not breaking up with him in the near future.

// posted by Sasha @ 8/20/2006 12:02:00 AM

Comments: I feel ya on the bad eyesight. I have to wear contacts or glasses all the time. My prescription is -9.00 :(. I think about how HORRIBLE it would have been for me back before glasses were invented, hahaha. but the fictional situations would suck too.

Good Luck/safe travel on your business trip! I have a retreat coming where i'll be w/my coworkers for 3 days, 2 nights. I feel dread. Like you, being around ppl for THAT long makes me squeamish.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8/21/2006 9:42 AM  

Hi, Sasha! You've been tagged...

# posted by Blogger Too_Lively : 8/22/2006 1:27 AM  

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