10/02/2006 | I've (finally) MOVED
I've moved to my new domain: http://lovesasha.net . Please visit me there in the future! Same thing, just different location.

I am vowing now to never post about boring things like layouts in the future, so here is my quick once-and-done: I have everything mostly under control, just a few quirks with the comments layout, I haven't fixed how the comments show on some of the older posts (the link on the post says there's none, but they're there) and probably a few minor things that I've yet to discover.

If you do notice any errors, be a dear and let me know ^__^

I also added a "characters" page for reference (with fake pictures!), in case I am confusing when I talk about people I know. I tried to find pics that resembled the people, that part was fun.

Git along now:

// posted by Sasha @ 10/02/2006 12:40:00 AM 13 comments

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