9/27/2006 | Quick update The hair situation is not quite under control. It's lighter, yes, but not quite where I like it. It was $$$$$$ and that's all I'm going to say. Sad face :( Since I'm not completely happy, I'm going back tomorrow to get it fixed. I think the black eyebrows are also not helping. What was I thinkng?????? After work, I met up with Matteo to use his Mom's dicount card at Macy's, but I didn't find anything I liked. So, I went to the Sanrio store and got this instead for my desk at work: It's a toaster that hold notecards that look like toast. You press a button when you want one and they pop up like toast! hahaha. I spent a good 20 mintues chatting about Hello Kitty with the store manager. MUST GET LIFE. I would post a pic of my desk at work, but I would get the beat down from security if I brought a camera in. It's quite HKish, however =^'.'^= // posted by Sasha @ 9/27/2006 11:21:00 PM 2 comments | PostSecret Frank Warren (of PostSecret) is giving a talk at the Reading Public Museum this Saturday at 2PM. I really want to go! But alas, I have no one to go with. It is football weekend, and my social circle is small. Maybe I will get up the courage to go alone? Though I would feel quite lame. Making new friends after college is hard. I barely know anyone here any more, and I don't really have the time to go meet new people (plus, where am I going to be meeting these people?). I'm so busy w/ work and grad classes that I only have time to see Mat/friends on the weekend. // posted by Sasha @ 9/27/2006 12:13:00 AM 2 comments 9/26/2006 | Time for some more shallowness I made an appointment to get my hair fixed tomorrow morning. (*crosses fingers*) The funny things is that my boss was up at my site today (he sits in DC, I'm in Philly) and saw me with my freako hair. He didn't recognize me at first, haha. So yeah, that's all I really have to write about today because I only got home a half hour ago. I went shopping after work, whee. Pictures b/c it's fun (and I had my camera out already): You can't see it, but the one on the right is a deep blue and black stripe. Cute things from UO clearance. Address book, adorable journal (because I need another one like I need a hole in the head), picture frames, and a super cute stationary set with envelopes, stickers, and paper folded into a cassette case (which would probably be useful if I wrote letters, but it was cute and $1). Does anyone else remember the days when Urban Outfitters was actually a cheap store? :( Or.... the old orginal Bath & Body works logo? (hint: it's the green one in the middle). Found this while I was cleaning, hahaha. It's so old! I've got to do more shopping before the tourists come for Christmas presents. Gah. // posted by Sasha @ 9/26/2006 09:20:00 PM 30 comments 9/24/2006 | Holy crap Well, I could write about the fight I had with my mom before I left. Or about being bored at his drunko relative's psu game party. Or about how Mat slept really late today, and we couldn't do anything. But honestly, I'm over all that, and it really was just trivial crap. PGH was alright, could have been better, but I wasn't expecting it to be. My immediate problem? Well see for yourself: On the way home I stopped and bought dye for my hair. It needed a change, was looking horrible, and I decided to go for dark brown. The box picture had dark brown!! Though it did say the color was a shade of soft black... but it looked brown!!! I guess that will teach me to believe the picture over the description. I will be washing my hair in dishwashing liquid many times in attempt to strip some of the color. PS: excuse my deranged looks. Some of the dye is still on my skin, the distortion from my glasses gives me interesting black spots near my eyes, and holy crap, it looks even worse in person because it's so damn black (there's not much of a contrast with the dark brown walls, but in other rooms, it looks much worse!) I guess I will be working from home until I get this fixed..... hahahaha. UPDATE: Look, I dyed it again! I was afraid to use something with a lot of bleach, so I just used a leeeeeeetle bit. It wasn't enough. My hair is still black. It does not look very nice with my pasty skin... just a couple shades lighter would be good. Now, the real question is, am I brave enough to strip it myself and recolor, or should I go the safe route and pay the $200 to have it done professionally? I would like to do it myself, would be easier to fit in my schedule, but I'm leery of all those haircolor horror stories I just read online. I should probably just make an appointment now... curses!! haha. I thought I was being adventurous in making it darker... didn't realize that I'd be screwing it up. // posted by Sasha @ 9/24/2006 11:44:00 PM 3 comments 9/23/2006 | grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Tonight is quite frustrating. I'm working on my new site (I've finally found time!!) but it has been slow going. Getting Blogger beta (current blogging tool) to export to Wordpress (future blogging tool) has been a nightmare! I think I've finally gotten it under control, though the comments are messed up a bit. It's still under construction. Grr. I will be spending the next two days in Pittsburgh. I travel too much. I was in State College and Harrisburg, PA last weekend, then in DC/MD during the week, finally came back, and now I'm leaving again. Gahhhhh. I've had no time to do laundry, so I'm doing it now, at 12:30AM. wheeeee. So why am I going to Pittsburgh, you ask?? Well, I'm visiting Mat's family. Not quite sure why they want me to come out there (I see them at the stupid football games every weekend, though that's another story), but I am. Mat has two Italian grandmothers, one of which lives with his parents and speaks no English while the other lives down the street and speaks with a thick accent. Over the years I have learned a tiny bit of Italian, but the grandmothers speak Sicilian, which I don't understand at all. They are the quintessential picture of old fascist Italy: they wear the standard black Italian "little old lady" garb. They run around cooking and cleaning all day, while watching Italian TV and frequently arguing with each other (about cooking or cleaning, of course). Apparently they (whom I never speak to and they never speak to me) want me to visit??? I'd much rather stay home. It's a 4.5 hour drive each way. I have a lot of things to catch up on and I keep getting farther behind because I have to give up my weekends for Mat and stupid football, and now this. I'm getting annoyed. This is not going to continue happening!!!!!!!! haaaaaa. I'm boycotting next week's game. I know Mat will try to convince me to go, but fuck him, I made it clear before he even bought the tickets that I was not going. Silly me to expect him to understand this!! And even stupider of me to allow myself to get roped into going each week. It's only been two games, but this is my blog and I feel like being a big whiner right now. Expect a rant on Sunday when I get back (probably about the Mat situation or Mat's family). My feelings are like a pendulum: one minute I'm swinging toward bliss, then next I'm right at annoyance. I'm at annoyance now. I have been getting annoyed at him a lot lately. This can't be a good sign. Also, I think I am weird. I very much enjoy staying in on a Friday night. It's not that I don't enjoy the company of others, but I very much enjoy my own. When I admit this, I feel like a narcissistic antisocial weirdo... but it's quite true! haha. Sometimes it's nice not to have to do anything or associate with anyone. Maybe this is where the whole introvert thing comes into play. // posted by Sasha @ 9/23/2006 12:39:00 AM 2 comments 9/22/2006 | // posted by Sasha @ 9/22/2006 12:26:00 AM 0 comments 9/20/2006 | this is how you procrastinate, children Now, I should be doing things like packing for my trip or ironing my clothes for tomorrow so that I can leave on time (I am not a morning person in the least. I usually get to work between 9 and 9:30). I should have left tonight, the drive from Philly to DC in the morning is one big mess of traffic. But, after watching today's show, I decided to dress my swiffer up in clothing instead. Hello kitty represent!!!! you can also see my new walls. I'll probably post a pic after I finish decorating :) And, since it was on my camera too, here is my work buddy squirrley. Squirrley chills with me when I work from home on those days I decide to work on the patio. // posted by Sasha @ 9/20/2006 12:26:00 AM 2 comments 9/18/2006 | I'm going on a diet! For real! I'm busy at work! This is a blessing, because I haven't really been *busy* yet. But I also have a lot to do, and being new, I don't know our program very well. It makes me slow, and I'm a very impatient person. I'm also going down to DC again this week on Wed and Thurs. For the group picnic, haha, such pressing business. Should be fun though! I've decided that I'm dieting/exercising. I've had it. I weigh over 160 lbs. Now, it's really not that bad, since I am pretty tall, but I need to wear a bikini in 3 weeks. I would say that I don't necessarily look overweight, but I have the Mischa Barton effect: ie, how is it possible to be fat and skinny at the same time? Let's just say, I need to do some toning. And so, I am telling this to the internet, in hopes that now that I have told "the world", I will have to put some sort of effort behind this. My goal will be to lose 5lbs. I always felt kind of "fat" growing up. I outweighed many of my friends by a good 30-40 lbs most of the time. I stopped being able to wear children's clothes in third grade. It was really hard to feel "girly" when I both outweighed and towered over all the boys in junior high. ha ha. I definitely did not get asked out on any dates :P (<-- my old body) I don't know what the hell I was thinking, because I was very skinny. I weigh about 15lbs more now than I did in high school. I have only started to like the way I look in these last few years... why couldn't I appreciate these things earlier? sigh. // posted by Sasha @ 9/18/2006 07:58:00 PM 3 comments 9/15/2006 | Stupid Football :( I just want to stay home and relax this weekend! :( I told Mat that I wasn't going to go to the PSU game tomorrow earlier in the week, buuuuuut today he somehow convinced me to go :( WTF, why did I agree to this? This wastes my whole day tomorrow, and I get bored after the first quarter. I want to cancel it, but I feel bad :( I hate wasting my whole day for something that's boring. Gotta drive the 3+ hours there, stand around in the parking lot for awhile, go to the game, stand around again, and drive 3+ hours back. DULL... I told him before he bought the tickets that I wouldn't want to go. I was up for last time (although the rain made it miserable), but I just don't really care anymore. I used to not stand up for myself, so if I was bored, I wouldn't say it. I would watch sports with him, listen to him and his friends talk about sports, etc... but I'm over that. I think over my time in college I definitely became more assertive - I'm much more assertive now than when we first started dating (ok, I've very assertive now. I blame all the years of group projects). I hate talking about sports, I'm just not interested. Then, I work in a male dominated field. There really are no other women to talk to in my "area" at work... and this one guy who sits near me always tries to talk to me about college football (like I give a crap). Ok, I'm polite and chat with him because I don't want to be mean, but urg. And there's happy hour. I like happy hour as much as the next, and when I was at the conference a few weeks ago I met some other new hires who work in a different part of the company and do happy hour regularly. Out of 40 guys, there's 3 girls :( Happy hour blows. It's sitting at a bar (while sports are playing of course) talking about sports (and sometimes poker). I know I can try to change the topic of conversation, but I can only do it so many times before I feel selfish and controlling. So I don't. Earlier this week, I went to an impromptu happy hour with someone I knew from college. OMG, same deal. 10 guys talking about sports and me. And, how did I handle this? By playing with my phone, having my mom call me so they could see me talking on it, and then telling them that *darn it* I had to go because Mat locked his keys in his apartment and I had to go let him in. I think I'm boycotting happy hour from now on. I'm tired of sports. I want to stay home this weekend, decorate my room, finish my new layout, and probably wash my car (I swear, every bird in the neighborhood has decided to take a crap on it. that's what I get for parking under a tree). But now, football has to try to ruin my day again! I'm sick of f'ing sports! HA! But now I'm antisocial :( I found out today that I'm could be going back to DC for work next week. I have to decide if it's actually worth it for me to go this weekend. I don't really want to go, it's not something important, but I feel as if I should, so I'll probably be there for two or three days next week. bleh! // posted by Sasha @ 9/15/2006 07:42:00 PM 0 comments 9/11/2006 | untitled I originally wrote a post about 9/11, but I took it down. It just felt somewhat uncomfortable, you know? Even though it's things I want to say, I don't want to talk about it! And I just feel uneasy posting anything now. *~* I know I'm incredibly lucky that none of my relatives died, but others were not so lucky. It is a hard time of the year for those who are still grieving. // posted by Sasha @ 9/11/2006 09:15:00 PM 2 comments 9/09/2006 | Sick i've been sick the last few days. I maybe have the flu? I haven't been sick since I was... 12 years old? urgh. had to check my email (i've been wondering about it all day), now i'm gonna go lie down. i don't even feel like being online anymore. that is how I know I'm really sick, haha. i've been laying here watching Extreme Makeover on the Style Network.. I don't think it's helping. Plastic surgery is disgusting, and these poor people are all suffering after having their bodies cut open. I watched my brother have two nose jobs (medically necessary, he's not a Michael Jackson wannabe addicted to new noses :P) and the suffering was painful to watch. For days after the surgery, he laid around moaning in pain with his nose packed with cotton and bleeding through it (ewwwwwwwwwww). I don't really have anything against plastic surgery or people's motivations behind it, but I don't think I could ever do it unless I was hideously deformed in an accident. It's hard enough to watch the people on tv... but somehow I just can't look away. eww. ow. time to go. // posted by Sasha @ 9/09/2006 11:28:00 PM 1 comments 9/06/2006 | I found the most adorable website today -> Non Dairy Diary. It is the blog of a very talented illustrator.. soooo creative and adorable. Knowledge of French a plus, but there is some English. It makes me want to draw again - I used to draw all the time, like her (though not nearly as talented). I finally figured out what kind of layout I want for my new site, so once it is up maybe I'll upload some of my art! Problem though: I don't have a scanner large enough for some of my drawings, so I will have to use my digital camera. Crap... I forgot I have class tomorrow. I have to work all day, then class right after work till 8:30PM. AND, it's a Software Engineering class. double boo ;_; (why am I whining? I signed up for this!! :P). Ok, I really must stop my addiction to this blog. Tomorrow I'm banning myself from my home computer for the day (12 hours with work and school should kill me to begin with). // posted by Sasha @ 9/06/2006 11:41:00 PM 1 comments 9/05/2006 | Here it goes again Last night I thought the paint on the wall looked kind of blotchy because it was drying slowly. Turns out I was wrong: it actually was blotchy because I used the wrong kind of roller (my mom told me we had rollers, so by the time I was ready to paint I didn't feel like running back out again. I thought it would paint normally). So, I spent tonight painting again. I'm covered head to toe in paint, whee. It won't come off! I came into work today with little paint splotches all over my fingernails and hands. I didn't even bother to iron my shirt today (ok, this was due mostly to me waking up late and laziness). Luckily, I work with people in DC and I'm based out of Philly, so my coworkers can't see what I'm wearing and no one else cares. My office doesn't have much of a dress code - usually I wear jeans and a shirt that doesn't need ironing to begin with. I used the diversion tactic, and wore my 4 inch heels so people would look at my feet and not at my wrinkly shirt. On the plus side, it looks like my room is made out of chocolate! I want to lick the walls. :P On the negative side, it's given me a major craving for chocolate. I've been eating pretzels dipped in nutella all night. This does not bode well: I'm going to Hilton Head (aka wearing a bikini) next month and considering dieting. I've never really gone on a diet before. Usually I think about it for awhile, then say "screw it!" because I want some ice cream or something like that. But, my midsection is not what I would like it to be and it's been raining so much that I haven't been able to do my usual biking routine after work. Maybe all this painting counts as exercise?? *X ^_^ X* // posted by Sasha @ 9/05/2006 11:23:00 PM 1 comments 9/04/2006 | The entry in which I vent about Mat and cleaning. Mat said something to me this weekend about moving in together. I was surprised that he thought I would actually move in with him! Not because of our relationship, but because of other things. When we were in college, Mat lived in a 2 bedroom apartment with 4 other guys. His apt was always disgusting, and he used to claim that when he lived alone it would be nice and clean. I didn't think much of it because most college apartments (especially boys') are dirty and gross. His current apt is still disgusting. He never cleans or throws anything away. He moved in at the beginning of the year, and still has moving boxes scattered all over his apartment. He has piles and piles of junk mail, not to mention other things, strewn about. It's trashy and gross. Before his mom visted a couple weeks ago and cleaned his bathroom, it was so dirty that I could write messages in his shower with a q-tip (ie, "clean me!" "yucky"). He also lives about 45 minutes north of me, so my commute from his place to my office in the morning would be 1-2 hours... yeah right :P I just have trouble seeing him as a mature and competant adult because of his apartment. I have tried everything - cleaning it, showing him how to clean it, helping him organize things, and once I stopped coming over to his place for 2 months because it was gross. I realize he's not going to change, I don't want to be bitchy about it, and I'm trying not to ask for a lot here, but, um, ew! I painted my new room this weekend. Sometimes I think about moving out, and I'd really like to. But, my parents kind of want me to stay (empty nest syndrome) and the cost of living is FREE. So I can't complain. I think I'm just going to save up, and in two years when I graduate from the program I'm in at work and get a new position, I'll buy a house of my own with all the money I'm saving. Since I'll never let Mat move in if he's going to be gross, I'll become the old crazy cat lady who's been dating the same man for 40 years with no end in sight (à la Theodora Dix in Anne of Green Gables). // posted by Sasha @ 9/04/2006 08:56:00 PM 44 comments 9/03/2006 | GOAAAAAAAAAAALLLLL Yesterday (Saturday), I went to Penn State for the first football game of the season. Now, I hate watching sports, but going to games isn't that bad. Mat's extended family comes up to tailgate (which is basically getting to the game early, and standing around in the parking lot eating and drinking until game time). They cook lots of delicious food and I get to hang out with everyone I used to see in college. Unfortunately, we had an extra guest: Ernesto. :( Ernesto seasoned my food with acid rain. Ernesto was supposed to have moved on by noon. Ernesto decided that he liked Happy Valley so much that he stayed until early Sunday morning. I stood and sat in the rain for about 9 hours. It was cold and miserable. Mat's family did have tents, but there were only so many tables of food and people that would fit under them. After the game Mat and I stopped at the Nittany "Mall" on the way out of town so that Mat could buy another pair of jeans (let me explain: Mat's family pays the premium to park in the paved lot outside the stadium. But his and most people's parking passes are for grassy fields, which thanks to all the rain from the past week, were muddy mudlots). The new pants are quite possibly an improvement: Mat favors Levi's - the tight kind he claims they wear in Italy. I maintain that they're hideous - the legs taper! I've been to Italy, and sure, the pants were tight, but there was not a tapering pant leg to be found. Plus, his jeans are all a little too small for him as he had gained about a size since January but was in denial and wouldn't buy new pants. He claims he likes the ones he has. Anyways, he bought non-tapered ones (though still kind of tight) from the Gap. I hate Mat's lack of a fashion sense. I had to forcibly buy him a pair of flip-flops and short socks and explain to him that you don't wear long socks and sneakers with shorts (because you look like a big dork, you moron!!!!!). This never used to annoy me as much as it does now. Funny how the little things grow on you... After that, we met up with some friends in Harrisburg to go to the bars downtown. I won't bore you with all the usual gossip of what went on, but of course when we got back at 2AM the boys wanted to watch more football. How do they find watching football so interesting??? Interesting enough to re-watch games again that they've actually been to - I mean they KNOW what happens already. pfft. The only highlight of this is when I looked up at what they were watching and proclaimed "hey, he's hot!" at a sweaty Brady Quinn talking to cameras after the Georgia Tech - Notre Dame game. In "boy world," this was apparently akin to the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues - you see, Penn State and Notre Dame play against each other next week. I enjoy pissing them off sometimes, especially Mat as he is a diehard PSU fan. Plus, Brady Quinn really is hot. // posted by Sasha @ 9/03/2006 08:35:00 PM 0 comments |
SASHA. 22. Systems Engineer (aka computer nerd). King of Prussia, PA. Graduated college May 06, now
facing... the real world! :( Currently "workin' for the man," getting my Master's, and attempting to lead a happy life. Dating Matteo (going on 4 years)! Trying to figure out my life as I am coming of age and becoming an adult. I like... the unexpected. I like outdoor sports like cycling, hiking, canoeing, and rock climbing. I do yoga. I'm a vegetarian (10+ years). I love computers & webdesign... I'm a web developer at the moment ^_^ I love to read, ask me for recommendations! I'm an "artiste," I love to draw and paint (portraits are my favorite). Like to knit, cook, etc. I love traveling. I'm friendly, I swear! Email: lovesasha_AT_inbox.com AIM: LovePeaceSasha my "official" profile RECENT POSTS
ARCHIVES LAYOUT INFO The picture featured in my layout is drawn by the artist Toko Ohmori. |