9/23/2006 | grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Tonight is quite frustrating. I'm working on my new site (I've finally found time!!) but it has been slow going. Getting Blogger beta (current blogging tool) to export to Wordpress (future blogging tool) has been a nightmare! I think I've finally gotten it under control, though the comments are messed up a bit. It's still under construction. Grr.

I will be spending the next two days in Pittsburgh. I travel too much. I was in State College and Harrisburg, PA last weekend, then in DC/MD during the week, finally came back, and now I'm leaving again. Gahhhhh. I've had no time to do laundry, so I'm doing it now, at 12:30AM. wheeeee.

So why am I going to Pittsburgh, you ask?? Well, I'm visiting Mat's family. Not quite sure why they want me to come out there (I see them at the stupid football games every weekend, though that's another story), but I am. Mat has two Italian grandmothers, one of which lives with his parents and speaks no English while the other lives down the street and speaks with a thick accent. Over the years I have learned a tiny bit of Italian, but the grandmothers speak Sicilian, which I don't understand at all. They are the quintessential picture of old fascist Italy: they wear the standard black Italian "little old lady" garb. They run around cooking and cleaning all day, while watching Italian TV and frequently arguing with each other (about cooking or cleaning, of course). Apparently they (whom I never speak to and they never speak to me) want me to visit???

I'd much rather stay home. It's a 4.5 hour drive each way. I have a lot of things to catch up on and I keep getting farther behind because I have to give up my weekends for Mat and stupid football, and now this. I'm getting annoyed. This is not going to continue happening!!!!!!!! haaaaaa. I'm boycotting next week's game. I know Mat will try to convince me to go, but fuck him, I made it clear before he even bought the tickets that I was not going. Silly me to expect him to understand this!! And even stupider of me to allow myself to get roped into going each week. It's only been two games, but this is my blog and I feel like being a big whiner right now.

Expect a rant on Sunday when I get back (probably about the Mat situation or Mat's family). My feelings are like a pendulum: one minute I'm swinging toward bliss, then next I'm right at annoyance. I'm at annoyance now. I have been getting annoyed at him a lot lately. This can't be a good sign.

Also, I think I am weird. I very much enjoy staying in on a Friday night. It's not that I don't enjoy the company of others, but I very much enjoy my own. When I admit this, I feel like a narcissistic antisocial weirdo... but it's quite true! haha. Sometimes it's nice not to have to do anything or associate with anyone. Maybe this is where the whole introvert thing comes into play.

// posted by Sasha @ 9/23/2006 12:39:00 AM

Comments: I wouldn't go, if I were you. LOL my friends keep asking me to go out with them... but I'm so cozy at home that I only induldge in their «nightly activities» about once a week. Hah!

Home... oh such a nice place! *sighs* Especially when it's winter and it's too damn cold outside. Too bad school is also during Winter. Those thoughtless, heartless, merciless people....
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9/23/2006 7:17 PM  

Geez, I feel like you're bending over backwards for him & all you're getting in return is grief! You shouldn't have to go to the next game, fo'sure!
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9/23/2006 7:49 PM  

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