9/11/2006 | untitled
I originally wrote a post about 9/11, but I took it down. It just felt somewhat uncomfortable, you know? Even though it's things I want to say, I don't want to talk about it! And I just feel uneasy posting anything now. *~* I know I'm incredibly lucky that none of my relatives died, but others were not so lucky. It is a hard time of the year for those who are still grieving.

// posted by Sasha @ 9/11/2006 09:15:00 PM

Comments: I understand the sentiment of what you say. I typed out a post on Sept. 11, but felt that I just couldn't find words to do justice to how we feel. Even five years later it is still so difficult.
# posted by Blogger Too_Lively : 9/13/2006 9:00 AM  

Hmmm... I'm not an American citizen, so I can say that the 9/11 didn't just affect the USA. It affected the whole world. There are people grieving in my country too.

I can still remember that day. I can still remember the moment I saw it on the news (about 1 hour after the first plane). What a shock...

Thankfully nobody I knew was there. All my American friends were safe. :)
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 9/15/2006 11:33 AM  

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