8/13/2006 | Alive
I'm finally done with moving. Gah. It's sad to be done with a big chapter of your life. I loved college, and I will never be back there as an undergrad again. It will never be the same again.

At least 90% of the study body does not live in our college town for the summer - State College, PA is a town made up mostly of college students (not many "regular" adults or professors live downtown). Downtown, you will find crappy apartment buildings (there are 40,000 students at our campus), restaurants, bars, and some stores. Everything caters to students. Student life is... well, maybe a bit crazier than at your average university.

Every summer, there is an annual Festival of the Arts. Many students come back, not for the purpose of looking at art (maybe that's just me, haha), but to party.

I let my little bro stay in my apartment for "Arts Fest" this summer. (I didn't go this year). Usually, he is quite conscientious, and since he would not be partying there, I didn't think there would be a problem. Yeah, you can see where this is going.

He left a bunch of dirty cups filled with some combination of genadine syrup and alcohol (probably Vladdy, ew) around, which I had to throw out. It looked like SOMEBODY vomitied in my bathroom, and missed the toiled a little bit. there was pizza on the wall. I also found a note from my neighbor, Ben, who apparently found my keys left in the door (he nicely locked the apartment and held them until my brother picked them up). argh, little bro!!!!!!! (if you have ever seen "The Real World, Key West" my brother is a lot like Jon (who also went to PSU). he's pretty typical of psu students).

The mess really wasn't as bad as it sounds, but still annoying (you would have at least thought he would throw away the note from Ben!). Now I have something to hold over his head (evil sister, I am) and will use it mercilessly so that I can stay at HIS appartment any time I come up for football games.

To think, I used to be one of those people who didn't drink. I liked reading and school. When we first started college together, my friend Emily and I agreed that we just weren't the type of people who drank and partied a lot. (Beer was gross, and we detested arrogant frat boys). HA! A couple weeks later, I was partying like everyone else. Emily eventuallly joined a fraternity (ok, it was the Chemistry fraternity, but still!). Sometimes, you realize that you are more like everyone else than you first thought.

// posted by Sasha @ 8/13/2006 02:58:00 PM

Comments: It's funny living in a college town. I used to, so seeing actual "teens" at the mall was an oddity. I kinda miss that aspect of it.

I can't believe you were nice enough to let him stay... solo no less and he couldn't even clean up??? GEEZ.
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8/13/2006 5:30 PM  

Sorry, anonymous was me ^_^;;
# posted by Anonymous Anonymous : 8/13/2006 5:31 PM  

Thank you so much for your recommendations. ^^

And I DO love Isabel Allende! I've read many books she wrote. :)

And yo're right... Sometimes, you realize that you are more like everyone else than you first thought. And I thought I was different... :P
# posted by Blogger algelic : 8/14/2006 9:02 AM  

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