8/08/2006 | who am i kidding
I really miss living in Colorado. It's so easy to get around out West - all the roads run north/south east/west and are laid out like a grid. The huge mountains are always to the west, so it's nearly impossible to get lost. I miss the Rockies. When it was hot, I would just drive up to the mountains to paint and chill. The scenery is mind-boggling. I would have to pull over and stare.

If you haven't been out west, go! Especially Rocky Mountain National Park - it's beautiful, you feel like you're in a National Geographic shoot. I also had a thing for breathing the mountain air. There is nothing like it on the east coast.

I miss my friend Lana from Colorado. She is such a pure, honest, and beautiful person. She is one of those people who radiates pureness (but without the sickening part). We are both very shy/reserved, I can relate to her so well.

// posted by Sasha @ 8/08/2006 07:49:00 PM

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