9/24/2006 | Holy crap Well, I could write about the fight I had with my mom before I left. Or about being bored at his drunko relative's psu game party. Or about how Mat slept really late today, and we couldn't do anything. But honestly, I'm over all that, and it really was just trivial crap. PGH was alright, could have been better, but I wasn't expecting it to be. My immediate problem? Well see for yourself: On the way home I stopped and bought dye for my hair. It needed a change, was looking horrible, and I decided to go for dark brown. The box picture had dark brown!! Though it did say the color was a shade of soft black... but it looked brown!!! I guess that will teach me to believe the picture over the description. I will be washing my hair in dishwashing liquid many times in attempt to strip some of the color. PS: excuse my deranged looks. Some of the dye is still on my skin, the distortion from my glasses gives me interesting black spots near my eyes, and holy crap, it looks even worse in person because it's so damn black (there's not much of a contrast with the dark brown walls, but in other rooms, it looks much worse!) I guess I will be working from home until I get this fixed..... hahahaha. UPDATE: Look, I dyed it again! I was afraid to use something with a lot of bleach, so I just used a leeeeeeetle bit. It wasn't enough. My hair is still black. It does not look very nice with my pasty skin... just a couple shades lighter would be good. Now, the real question is, am I brave enough to strip it myself and recolor, or should I go the safe route and pay the $200 to have it done professionally? I would like to do it myself, would be easier to fit in my schedule, but I'm leery of all those haircolor horror stories I just read online. I should probably just make an appointment now... curses!! haha. I thought I was being adventurous in making it darker... didn't realize that I'd be screwing it up. // posted by Sasha @ 9/24/2006 11:44:00 PM Comments: Heh, I remember when I dyed my hair to a black shade. It wasn't that drastic, becuase I'm asian, but it was very different from my previous blonde-fury hairstyle that I mothered over the past few years :P, Now I'm back to the homeland of brown and finding it a comfortable place. My mother also sleeps easier at night knowing her daughter's head dosen't glow in the dark *smirk* # posted by jayjayne : 9/25/2006 7:47 AM Oh heck, you really don't look bad. Where's your sense of adventure? # posted by Too_Lively : 9/25/2006 9:54 AM Holy Moly, dye scares are the worst!!!! *been there myself* What did the designers do!? Not design in CMYK or something for the box!? I think, given the circumstances, it's time to call up a professional =/. # posted by : 9/25/2006 9:55 PM Post a Comment << Home |
SASHA. 22. Systems Engineer (aka computer nerd). King of Prussia, PA. Graduated college May 06, now
facing... the real world! :( Currently "workin' for the man," getting my Master's, and attempting to lead a happy life. Dating Matteo (going on 4 years)! Trying to figure out my life as I am coming of age and becoming an adult. I like... the unexpected. I like outdoor sports like cycling, hiking, canoeing, and rock climbing. I do yoga. I'm a vegetarian (10+ years). I love computers & webdesign... I'm a web developer at the moment ^_^ I love to read, ask me for recommendations! I'm an "artiste," I love to draw and paint (portraits are my favorite). Like to knit, cook, etc. I love traveling. I'm friendly, I swear! Email: lovesasha_AT_inbox.com AIM: LovePeaceSasha my "official" profile RECENT POSTS
ARCHIVES LAYOUT INFO The picture featured in my layout is drawn by the artist Toko Ohmori. |